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Injury recovery and wellness

for a pain-free life

Learn about our main services


Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive treatment that involves adjustments of the spine. From auto accidents and sports injuries to lower back pain, chiropractic adjustments can repair damaged nerves and improve your body’s functionality.


We take a fully personalized approach, assessing your injury or ailments to map out the most effective treatment plan. We use the most advanced techniques and equipment, from mechanical traction therapy to spinal adjustments.

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Specialized exercises and rehabilitation that strengthen the body and improve mobility. Physiotherapy is used to both help you recover from injuries and cure chronic pain. We take a hands-on approach, working with you through each exercise to ensure a faster recovery. 

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Manual Therapy

By combining the best treatments from a wide range of disciplines, we’re able to create more effective treatment plans and better pain relief results. Manual therapy is excellent at reducing pain, stimulating muscles, and reducing anxiety. This leads to a higher rate of recovery and better overall wellness. 


Pain Relief and Rehabilitation

From the safest CBD products to our take-home rehab guides, we provide the most effective pain relief treatments and care. We not only treat your immediate pain-inflicted areas but also target the underlying causes. 

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